New Vibrant PU College

Exam preparation guide for PU College students

Exam Preparation Guide for PU College Students


“Study now be proud later”

Everyone has probably heard their parents say this at some point in their life. 11th and 12th grades comprise the first two years of Pre University Courses (PUC). A good performance in these two years is pivotal in shaping a student’s career. Good grades (especially in the (12th class) secure a candidate’s enrollment into a professional course. Although students associate PUC examination with a lot of nervousness and pressure proper guidance and exam preparation can help them succeed with flying colours.  

Every student has a different study technique. However, some popularly tried and tested study techniques involve getting organized, understanding the syllabus, creating a study schedule and following it, getting doubts clarified by seniors and teachers without hesitation and finally staying physically and mentally fit. Having an effective study strategy ensures the following:

  1. Improvement in confidence, competence and reduction in anxiety associated with exams and deadlines.
  2. A better balance between study time and other activities
  3. Improvement in knowledge retention 

Understanding the PU College Curriculum

Usually, the most common programs available at PU colleges include Science, Commerce and Arts. We will discuss the combinations below

  1. Science combinations
  1. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology
  2. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science
  3. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Electronics

Students having a science stream in PUC can opt for pure Science subject degree courses, Engineering, Pharmacy, Medical and other courses associated with the Science curriculum.

  1. Commerce combinations
  1. Accounts, Business Studies, Mathematics and Statistics
  2. Accounts, Business Studies, Economics  and Statistics
  3. Accounts, Business Studies, Economics  and Mathematics

Students having a commerce stream in PUC can opt for a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Business Management Degree. 

  1. Arts combinations
  1. History, Economics, Psychology and Sociology

Students having an arts stream in PUC can opt for a Bachelor of Arts, Diploma in Education and other art-associated subjects.

Thorough knowledge of the exam syllabus helps students read and grasp the topics included in each curriculum. Moreover, comprehension of the syllabus helps teachers build a roadmap for the students to help them complete all the topics within the available time. 

Facilities we offer

Goal Setting for Success

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound. Students should make their study goals keeping these parameters in mind. A SMART goal ensures that the objectives are achievable within a specific time. 

The effectiveness of setting SMART goals is incomplete without a personalized study plan to fulfil them. Created in collaboration with the teachers and parents these plans are customized to the student’s capability, learning style and objectives. A personalized study plan helps students define their academic goals, stay motivated and track their progress.

Time Management

Studies are important. However, a student’s life also comprises other essential activities besides studies. Time management allows the students to strike a balance between all the important activities of their lives. We have stated some important time management tips below.

  1. Creating a digital or physical calendar mentioning important deadlines, exam dates, social events and other social events.
  2. Building a monthly, weekly and daily schedule allocating time for important activities.
  3. Order the execution of daily activities according to their urgency.

The above-mentioned steps are effective in balancing academics and extracurricular activities as well. Also, students should have a mindset that equally prioritizes academics and extracurriculars and block time for both of these.

Organizing your Study Space

An average student spends approximately 17 hours on their study. Hence an ideal study environment ensures that the students feel comfortable and productive. Here are some tips for the creation of an ideal study environment.

  1. Choosing a comfortable undisturbed location in the house and setting up a study. Also, the study location should be well-lit. 
  2. Keeping everything organized. Study materials including previous years’ question papers, notes, notepads, notebooks and stationeries should be organized in the study to avoid interruptions.
  3. Adding motivating posters and quotes in the study location to help students stay focused

A mind without distraction is crucial to focus on studies. Turning cell phone alerts off, blocking social media, using noise-cancelling headphones and removing all sources of distraction helps students focus. Meditation also boosts a student’s focus. 

Courses we offer

The Art of Note-taking

Taking notes helps students understand better and retain the learned knowledge. The five different formats of taking notes include Cornell style, flowchart map, charting method, sentence method and outline method.  We have mentioned some tips for efficient note-taking below.

  1. Jotting down the key points of the lecture helps students clear the basic concepts of a topic.
  2. Make a note of the confusing portions of the lecture within the note. This will remind the students to clear the doubt from the teacher.
  3. Following the same specific structure for every note can be helpful.
  4. The notes should be visually clear, well-structured, organized and brief.

Finally, it is also important to organize the notes and review them properly. Summing up the important concepts, creating flashcards, colour coding according to different categories and regular revisions can help revise the notes in an organized manner.

Utilizing Resources

To make learning easier for students and help teachers explain different concepts study materials are indispensable for both students and teachers. For example, worksheets and learning videos make it easier for the students to understand a topic and gain new insights into it. Textbooks, online resources, previous year question papers and workbooks are important study resources. 

Additionally, the college library is the storehouse of textbooks and other study materials. Students can leverage it to access myriads of information about any subject they want free of cost.

Study Techniques and Strategies

To get the best results in the exam PU student should implement different study techniques to reap their benefits. For example, active and passive learning are very popular study techniques. Active learning includes thinking, discussing, challenging and analyzing the knowledge gathered. On the other hand, passive learning encourages students to follow methods like observation, listening and reading to gain information.    

To top this, there are five predominant learning styles, visual (includes graphs and flashcards), auditory (lecture and music), kinesthetic (hands-on and movement and reading/writing learning. Students can determine their learning style with the help of an online assessment like the VARK questionnaire.  

Exam Types and Preparations

Exams are the perfect way to test a student’s knowledge. Some common types of exams include multiple choice questions, matching types, essays, quizzes, mathematical questions, open book tests, vivas, and long and short answers. 

The best way to prepare for any exam is to practice. Previous year question papers contain questions of all relevant formats. Hence practicing these can give the best results. 

PU colleges provide a sea of facilities for PU students to help them succeed in exams. For example, with teachers, study materials and a proper roadmap to assist them students can prepare for the exams more efficiently. New Vibrant PU College a flagship project of Vibrant Academy is one of the best PU colleges in Mangalore. Being responsible for creating more than 5000 doctors and 45000 engineers, this college is the best choice to obtain coaching for competitive exams like NEET, JEE and KCET. 

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